Hardware Services: Info

Desktop PC Hardware Services

Pc acting weird? Need an Upgrade?

Welcome to our desktop repair and upgrade service! Here we focus on helping your computer run smoother, faster, and look better. Need more storage? A performance boost? Or just a fresh new look? We have it covered. Our services are customized to fit exactly what you need, so your desktop is always at its best. Let us help you take your setup to the next level. Take a look at what we can do for you!

If your desktop PC is giving you trouble, Tech Terminal is here to get things sorted fast and reliably. Whether you need a repair or an upgrade, we’ll take care of it, so your desktop is back to running like new in no time. 

Offered desktop PC REPAIR/Upgrade SERVICES

RAM.......................................... $20

Case Fans.................................... $20

Graphics (GPU)............................... $55

Power Supply (PSU)........................... $55

Storage (HDD/SSD)................ starting at $55

Install Only | + Data Services | + OS Installation

CPU Cooler & Fan................. starting at $70

Air Cooling / AIO Water Cooling


Computer Tune-Up................. starting at $70

Physical Cleaning | Registry Cleanup | Bloatware Removal | OS Refresh | Spec Recs

- Ask for additional discount Tune-Up services -


Processor (CPU)....................... $75 - $100

Motherboard........................... $80 - $110

Case Swap................................... $115

Click Here for Complete Services List

Click To Schedule Service

  • Prices above do not include the cost of any replacement parts or diagnostic fee.
  • All repair & general maintenance services will be charged the diagnostic fee.
  • Component Upgrades avoid diagnostic fee.

Offered desktop PC REPAIR/Upgrade SERVICES

RAM......................................................... $20

Case Fans................................................... $20

Graphics (GPU).............................................. $55

Power Supply (PSU).......................................... $55

Storage (HDD/SSD).................................... $55 - $105

Install Only | + Data Services | + OS Installation

CPU Cooler & Fan................................ starting at $75

Air Cooling / AIO Water Cooling

Computer Tune-Up........................................... $100

Physical Cleaning | Drive Cleanse | Spec Recs | & More 

Processor (CPU)...................................... $75 - $100

Motherboard.......................................... $80 - $110

Case Swap.................................................. $115

Click Here for Complete Services List

Click To Schedule Service

  • Prices above do not include the cost of any replacement parts or diagnostic fee.
  • All repair & general maintenance services will be charged the diagnostic fee.
  • Component Upgrades avoid diagnostic fee.

Desktop Servicing at The Tech Terminal

Step 1. Select a Service Method

Select a service method (drop-off, scheduled pickup, or same-day pickup) and prepare your device along with any necessary parts, cables, accessories, and any login details for the service.

If using pickup/return services, we ask that you provide

pictures/videos of the device issues if possible.

Step 2. Discuss The Issue

Provide a detailed description of the issue, by phone or email, and specify if you require troubleshooting or an upgrade service.

Step 3. Diagnostics and Repairs

For troubleshooting services, we’ll run thorough diagnostics to identify the problem. For upgrades, we will install the necessary hardware and software.

Step 4. Pick-Up or Return

We’ll notify you when your equipment is ready. If using a pickup/return service, we will arrange a return for the device(s). If the device was dropped off then it must be picked up (unless otherwise agreed on).

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